Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Thirteen Thurday--EARLY!

Now, this week the banner is from Goofy girl!

Yes, I know it's only Wednesday, however, I am going to be gone tonight and at a conference tomorrow so I wouldn't be able to post until late tomorrow...and I wouldn't want to keep you all waiting! I will update this with links and visit others tomorrow night after the conference! Happy Thursday to you all!

Thirteen Things You Never Needed To Know About Me!

1. When I was younger, I had 3 imaginary friends (Eke, Peno, Doua Doua)
2. I have had a popples since I was very young and it still is on my bed!
3. I decided to cut my curtains when I was little "to see if they would cut" (Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day sitting in bed waiting until my father got home!)
4. While growing up there were older neighbors that lived next door and I "adopted them" as Grandparents.
5. When "Grandpa" passed away when I was 7, it was my first loss.
6. Someone said to name a star after him, but I said "Stars aren't big enough, he is the moon"
7. I have loved the moon ever since!
8. I'm an only child and have always feared something happening to my parents.
9. It took me forever to learn how to ride a two wheel bike. The way my mom got me to do me $5. If I learned to ride before my dad got home from work, I got $5. Guess who learned how to ride her bike that day?
10. I'm very stubborn and always have been. I was even stubborn before I was born...10 days late and was not coming out!
11. I've never had a huge group of friends. I have always preferred having a few very close friends.
12. I am very much a pack rat. I keep everything. I have just started to realize that it is okay to throw things out that I haven't used or looked at in 5 years (anything sooner than that is still in the closet :-) )
13. I don't know how to swim. I took swimming classes when I was younger and just hated it. My parents have a pool and I float around in there. Well, I do know how to do the doggy paddle!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

You know the drill, leave a message get a link :-) Happy Thursday everyone (or Wednesday for those peeking early!)
Who's reading me?


Heather said...

I'm peeking early!

That's cute about naming your grandfather after the moon. My grandmother died when I was 4 and when the moonlight was on me, I thought she was able to see me!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Sounds like you were a handful. That is so sweet about the moon.

Anonymous said...

I'm a wicked pack rat, too!!!

Anonymous said...

oops, I also meant to say I loved the story about your adopted grandfather being the moon :-)

Geggie said...

Cute list. Imaginary friends are an important part of development. And you appear to be very creative, so I think your buddies paid off!

WendyWings said...

I am a thrower outter married to a pack rat so you can imagine how well that works. NOT

the lizness said...

I like that about the moon. What a poignant thing to say at age 7! enjoy your conference and visit me when you get a chance.

Carmen said...

Well know I know more about you. I like the star/moon story. :)

Anonymous said...

#6 and #7....awesome.

My Thurs 13 is posted

Anonymous said...

What a sweet list, love the reminiscing :)

I'm a total pack rat too!

My very first T13 is up, a boring "things I should be doing instead of blogging" list. Yawn. :)

Anonymous said...

I love to swim ... well, float in the water. I'm not a very good swimmer either and if I get in over my head, I sort of panic. But no one in my family knows that. *grin*

Kelly said...

Great list!
I don't like a big group of friends either.
And... what a sweet little kid you were. The moon. So cute!

Mine are up!

Anonymous said...

That's a much better way to learn then how I learned to ride my bike. My dad started me out at the top of the hill and let me go. I crashed in to a fence and went flying head over feet on the ground. But guess who learned to steer better next time. ;)

Meira{FB} said...

I'm a pack rat too!

Anonymous said...

Nice list. I was an only child too, until my sister was born when I was 10. That was weird.

I used to have a fear that my mom was going to leave me in the car when she'd go into a store. I'd make her leave the car keys so that she couldn't get back into the house without me.

Of course, she is a great mom and she would never have left me in the car and not come back.

I think that is funny now.

PS. You had a good reason for cutting those curtains. You learned something, right? ;)