Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well, today is another busy day. On top of all the work I have piled around me, I have to go pick up a bridesmaid dress. Now granted it's been done for 2 weeks, but have I gone to pick it up?? Noooooo. I'm surprised they haven't called numerous times to get that dress out of their store! I just honestly have not had the motivation to go pick it up. I know I have to pick it up today since the wedding is Saturday and we have to leave early on Friday to make it there (the wedding is 5 1/2 hours away from here). So needless to say instead of picking up the dress, I'm sitting here typing about it. Wow. Motivationally.Challenged.

The next couple weeks are just going to fly by...I can just feel it. Friday through Sunday this weekend we are in St. Paul/Minneapolis for the wedding. Then a week from today is my Grandma's 80th birthday and we are all going out to dinner to celebrate (2 hours from here). Then Thursday morning after the bday I have to get up around 5 to make it to Wisconsin Dells for a conference that I'm helping run a booth at to promote our agency. Then Friday we are going back up to my home town in order to help set up for a family reunion being held at my parent's house (I don't know why they always offer to host these things!!!) on Saturday. Then it's back home to start another week!!!

Whew. I'm tired just thinking about it.

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