Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Thanks to KellyNello for the banner!

Thirteen Places/Things We Are Doing on Vacation!

  1. Pike's Peak Cog Railway
  2. Estes Park
  3. Mount Rushmore
  4. Sioux Falls
  5. Garden of the Gods
  6. Crazy Horse Memorial
  7. Crystal Cave Park
  8. Custer State Park
  9. Deadwood
  10. Sturgis
  11. Scenic Byways
  12. Needles Highway
  13. Stanley Hotel

I'm looking for volunteers to guest post while I am gone. Any takers? Goofy girl said she would take a day (Thanks!) so if I get enough other people, I would be able to have one for every day I'm gone! Or maybe just a few. Leave it in a comment if you would be willing. Happy Thursday!

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Who's reading? Chris, PatentPrincess, FRIDAY'S CHILD, dawn, Kailani, Francesca Gray, Carmen, Lauren, Reverberate58, Lisa, Goofy Girl, Tricia, Janet, Stacy, EmilyRoseJewel, Lil Duck Duck, ~Krystyn~, Megan, Kelly, Maribeth


Christina said...

Sounds like you have a lot of great stuff planned! Have a wonderful trip :)

My T13 is up.


Looks like a great vacation and an exciting one at that.
My T13 is up too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I would love to see just half the places on your list! Maybe someday..

my list is up

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun vacation. Hope there will be lots of pics when you get back.

Carmen said...

Mt. Rushmore. Never been there, but it looks like a really cool thing to see. Have a wonderful time.

I'd guest blog, but these days, I'm having trouble thinking of my own posts. :) I don't want to bore your readers.

Anonymous said...

I've never been to any of those places but I will keep them in mind because I LOVE t travel...Happy Thursday :)

Lisa said...

WOW! That's some itinerary! I'm usually happy to sit by the water and listen to the waves!

I hope you have a GREAT time!!

Heather said...

Ohh sounds like a wonderful vacation!! Lots of neat stuff!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fantastic vacation, I hope you do get to do all of those things. Take pics- we want to see some of those places. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the banner!

Man...I'm so jealous! I've not traveled out west much, and I've always wanted to. Take lots of pictures, k?

I'll guest post! And I'll keep it clean, I promise :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm totally jealous - we would love to go to any of those places! Rushmore is high on our list, especially after seeing it recently on that new TV show, Treasure Hunters.

Have a wonderful trip, sounds like a blast! :)

Unknown said...

Wow, I hardly ever hear of people going to some of those spots. My husband grew up right outside of the Black Hills. Two years ago he took me back out there. It was the best trip, such great and not well known spots either. Loved Crazy Horse, that was so cool and great story behind it. Mt. Rushmore was amazing and felt very patriotic going. Custer State Park had a lot of wild life I had never seen-buffalo, big horn sheep, prairie dogs--from there we drove through the Needles Highway. Awesome creation of God, scenic drives were wonderful. We stayed in Deadwood one night, I will say this--a lot of older people gambling is what I got out of it. We did eat at a lovely old hotel with great food, although the big ticket there is Kevin Costner's restaurant for a $50 steak dinner (a little overpriced for us). When do you go? I should send you some pictures. Enjoy! My list is up!

Mama Duck said...

Excellent, have fun!!

Unknown said...

Oh, Devils Tower is also very near some of those places, that was a great site to see as well. If you aren't familiar this is a massive granite rock mountain in the middle of nowhere seen in Close Encounters of the Last Kind.

k said...

Sounds like a very busy and FUN vacation!! Enjoy!!

Megan said...

Takes lots of pictures!

My TT is up!

Kelly said...

Holy crap!
You have so much to do!!!!!
I look forward to the pics!

Happy Thursday!

Maribeth said...

I loved Mount Rushmore!!! We stayed a few extra days just so I could look at it. Awesome!

Tracey said...

Have a great vacation. I would love to check out the town of Deadwood. that was a period in time I would have liked to have lived in I think.

Thanks for all the answers this past week... I'm definetly learning a lot! :-)

My TT is up too.

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Sounds like you have a fun trip planned!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good time. Have fun on your vacation.

Lady Jane said...

Wow, lots of interesting places on your list! I don't think I have been to any. Have a great time!

My list is here.