Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
1) Total number of books I own?
I honestly could not even begin to count them. I still have books at my parents house in storage. Whew!
2) The last book I bought?
I haven't bought a book in a while, but I believe it was "Night" by Elie Wiesel (The new Oprah Book Club Book!) I haven't read it yet though.
3) The last book I read?
I just finished "My Sister's Keeper"!!!! It is AWESOME! I highly recommend this book to anyone! Seriously. Very very good. I was sad to get to the end.
4) What I am currently reading?
Well, I haven't started another book yet, because I just finished "My Sister's Keeper" last night, but I have a new Iris Johansen book "No Where to Run" (I believe!!!) sitting on my night stand.
5) Five books that have meant a lot to me or that I loved the most
"My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
All of the Harry Potter books
All of the Janet Evanovich books (it's a great series!)
To Kill a Mockingbird
Janet Fluke's books (they have great recipes too!!)
If you want to play, tag yourself! I don't want to make anyone do this (especially for those who don't like to read!)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Another Monday
Saturday, April 22, 2006
My Birthday Flowers :-)

Friday, April 21, 2006
My favorite day of the year!
Thank you for all the birthday wishes...I do appreciate them! Well, I am off to finish up a little cleaning, make some cookies and then read and relax til my parents show up!
Oh and just in case anyone cares, I was born right around this time (as a C-section) and weighed in at 7lbs 11 oz and 19 inches long. My mom was knocked out for the birth so my dad was the first to hold me. My mom found out she had a girl after coming to and then puked. I don't know if that was a good sign or not!!!
Have wonderful Fridays everyone!
***Update*** By the way...from my 13 list yesterday, #9 (about getting hiking boots)...well fiance took it upon himself to get me some and give them to me for my birthday! I had a good laugh, but they do have pink in them so I do believe I am okay :-) They are the wrong size, so I need to go in and exchange them, but he did pick up a great pair (oh and ps...they don't go over my ankles....yes!!!!!)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
My 2nd "official" Thursday 13
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1. I hate mornings. No matter which way I look at them, I just don't like them. I fight myself every morning that I have to be up. 2. I am an only child, but I never enjoyed it when I was younger. I always wanted siblings until college and then I appreciated being the only one. 3. I am very close to my parents. I talk to them daily. 4. My first puppy, Cashew, is 13 1/2 now. She is deaf and blind and is becoming senile. It's hard to make the decision to put her down. She really is a part of the family. 5. My grandma will be 80 this summer (she lives in FL). The only thing she wanted for her birthday was to come up here to WI to go to an hold restaurant she always enjoyed. So that's what we're doing for her! 6. My birthday is tomorrow and I'll be 24 (yikes!) Where has the time gone? 7. The apartment the fiance and I are in now is my 1st apartment besides my parent's house and living at school! 8. I love keeping track of the bills and writing out the checks. I enjoy doing all the banking stuff checkbook doesn't balance! That's so annoying! 9. I need to buy hiking boots. I've been putting it off because I don't like shoes that go over my ankles, however, fiance informed me that's what they're for (to protect the ankles!) I'm still putting it off.... 10. My parents are bringing down a bunch of their old camping stuff so hopefully fiance and I can go camping some time soon. We're hoping for next weekend. This weekend I believe we are going hiking (which means I need to do #9) 11. I am very afraid of bees. I was stung when I was little and have been afraid since then. 12. I do a lot of driving for my job and because of that, I have learned to LOVE music. It's very relaxing when I have to drive long distances to pop in a mixed CD and sing at the top of my lungs. Time goes by faster too. 13. I had a hard time with this week. For some reason, I couldn't come up with 13 things very easily. Usually, I have these done in less than 5 min. Happy Thursday!
2. Janet 16. EmilyRoseJewel 4. Ocean Lady 18. TNChick 6. Chaotic Mom 20. Melli 7. Alexia 21. Just Expressing Myself 8. Goofy Girl 22. Elle 11. Ames 12. Ginger 13. Jane |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
What is my inner child?
Your Inner Child Is Surprised |
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You Are a Learning Cook |
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Lyrics of the Week
I decided to pick these lyrics this week because with having a wedding coming up the fiance and I have been looking at music to play and just hearing songs that we like (he doesn't like country for the record). So here we go...every time I hear this song, I turn it up and sing out loud :-)
Phil Vassar
The Last Day of My Life
I just left Bobby's house:
The service was today.
Got me thinkin' about how fragile life is,
As I drove away.
You know Amy was his only love,
In a moment she was gone, long gone:
It could have been me or you.
Oh, baby, there's no time to lose.
So I'm gonna bring home a dozen roses,
An' pour us a glass of wine.
An' I'm gonna put on a little music,
An' turn down the lights.
An' I'm gonna wrap my arms around you,
An' rock you all through the night,
An' I'm gonna love you,
Like it's the last day of my life.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Another Manic Monday...wait, it's Tuesday!
Anyway, I watched American Idol tonight and did not, I repeat did not enjoy Kelly at.all. She did not do a good job and she was correct in saying it was butchered. I am hoping to see her leave tomorrow. I enjoy Taylor...he's a riot to watch and one of the only performers that fiance will watch with me. He gets a kick out of Taylor as well!!!
I'm debating having "Song Lyrics of the Week" to post on here. Just something different to throw around. I'll keep you posted. I've been enjoying seeing Janet's and others posting 6 random things only three of which are true. I'm also debating doing that. I don't know how much fun mine would be!
Well, it's late and I must sleep! Oh I see that Katie Holmes finally popped out her child...thank God! I was beginning to think the only news coverage on TV would be her walking around waiting for her water to break (sorry, I'm not a huge fan!)
I better go before I get bad comments about not posting when I'm crabby! Forgive me for needing to vent! Good night....I must sleep!
Monday, April 17, 2006
I've been tagged!
1. I have had around 8 or 9 kidney stones and they are VERY painful! I would not recommend it to anyone--not even people I didn't like.
2. My first Easter meal turned out GREAT! Nobody got sick (haha) and everyone ate a lot of food.
3. I am an only child, but when I was young, my mom ran a daycare and there was one girl who I called my "sister" and have since then. She's moving closer to me and I can't wait!!!
4. I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger and then wanted to be a German teacher. I ended up doing social work instead because I decided I didn't want to have a classroom and would rather work with families and children.
5. I hate almost all vegetables! I have never enjoyed them and will only a few. I am also very picky about the fruit I will eat. I am just an all around picky eater!
6. I love the spring and the fall. The spring because everything is blooming and it always smells so fresh and the fall for the beautiful changing of the leaves and it's cooler, but not too cold!
Now, who do I tag????
Goofy Girl
Gone to Plaid
Here are the rules of this tag:
1.Go write weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
2. Then leave a comment that says “You are tagged” in their comments telling them to read your blog. ENJOY!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Just another Saturday....
We ended up going to the ER around 3:45 and were there until around 8am. They gave me an IV and some nice drugs to put in there. All my blood work came back fine, but they did declare that I indeed had a kidney stone. So, they sent me off with prescriptions and told me to come back if it got worse. I slept most of the day away and fiance stayed home in the morning with me and went to work for the afternoon.
I woke up this morning feeling better and only with some slight pain. It's slowly going away which I'm hoping meant I passed the damn thing! This is about my 10th one (I think I'm being generous with that number) and the pain still hurts every time! Fiance and I are going for a "NO MORE STONES" policy :-) We'll see how that works.
Now today just cleaning up the apartment and doing little errands to prepare for Easter tomorrow. My parents are coming down here to celebrate and I'm making my 1st Easter meal. Wish me luck
Happy Easter to all those who celebrate it!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
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1. Janet 3. Nicole 5. YellowRose |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Wednesday Night Results Show
Off to make dinner, who knows what'll be yet....
Blingo craze!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Officially crazy!!!
So I'm going back to work now to figure out how to juggle full-time school, full-time work...oh yes and planning a wedding *SIGH*
Monday, April 10, 2006
So I have a habit that I want to break....biting my finger nails. I hate that I do it. is Day 1 of Operation Stop the Biting!!!!
Only 20 days to go til I don't do it any more :-)
Wish me luck!
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The new pet
Friday, April 07, 2006
Well, the couch, chair and ottoman is. They forgot to put the coffee table and end tables on the order...hrmph! So now those will come on Wednesday. Oh well, better late than never I guess!
Copy cat
A late one...again
Yes, I am late with updating this again. Seems to be a tradition around here. Oh's my blog and if I'm late writing an update, who cares, right?
I'm just going to do 13 random things because I can't think of a theme this week and honestly, I don't have the creativity today either.
1. Matt and I get new living room furniture today! A new couch, chair, ottoman, coffee table, and 2 end tables....fabulous!
2. My sister graduates in under a month and I just can't believe it....seems like yesterday we were playing together at Tiny Tots.
3. So this week at work has SUCKED...too many people whining and crisises happening everywhere...EVERYONE JUST CALM DOWN FOR 1 DAY!!!
4. I know the photographer that I want for the wedding and I've talked with him, but we can't seem to find a day to get together in Appleton and I don't want him to be booked by someone else!
5. I've been under a lot of stress lately (can you tell????) to be able to figure out grad. school, full time job and planning the wedding....I am honestly getting a headache just thinking about.
6. I do miss my parents...I keep telling myself that I'm almost 24 and I shouldn't need to be by my parents so much, but then I remind myself that I'm one of the lucky few to honestly love my parents and want to be with them so then I allow myself to miss them again :-)
7. I miss the Eau Claire that I left last May. Going back now it's not the same nor will it ever be again. Looking back, college is fun and was such a unique time in my life and I will never forget it!
8. I've also realized that in order for me to grow into the person I want to become, I needed to leave Eau Claire and everything that meant. I could not achieve my goals in life in EC and I am learning to accept that.
9. I honestly am very excited to be starting my graduate program this fall. Who knew that I would be going for a Master's degree? That just seemed so far away...
10. I am excited about asking my bridesmaid's to stand up in the wedding. Matt and I agreed to 3 each and I can't wait to ask. We didn't want to ask too early but now it's getting exciting!
11. I have a lot of paperwork to get done today and all I can think about is the new furniture that could be here any minute now (we have a 9:30-12:30 time slot). Woohoo!!!
12. I'm on call this week and I don't like being on call. It means that I have to have my cell phone by me at all times and have to be careful when being out after business hours in case there is a call. Oh well, it's only about every 3 1/2-4 months.
13. Wow, this is 13 already huh? I didn't think I was going to be creative and then I just took off. Hope you enjoyed them. Leave me comments for goodness sakes!