Thirteen Things that I have learned in the past year!
1. I can't believe it's been almost a year since my engagement broke off.
2. I am definitely a stronger person for having gone through that.
3. I have learned that I can be on my own, and be okay and content with this. I am okay with silence and can sleep without worrying about being alone.
4. I have learned that I have some amazing friends who have stuck with me through the good and the bad!
5. I have learned that I can make it on my own--but I still need my mommy sometimes!
6. I have learned that I can manage all the bills, do the cooking and the cleaning, and even clean the toilet!
7. I have learned that a man does not define me and that I am my own individual person. It's also okay if I do not agree with everyone--I should have my own opinion.
8. I have learned that I deserve to be treated with respect and the love that I deserve. I also deserve to have someone who cares about me and thinks about me all day long :)
9. I have learned that I am strong enough to make major life decisions without someone else and that I am proud of who I have become.
10. I have learned that I am a pretty great person who any man would be lucky to have.
11. I have learned not to waste my time on people who don't treat me with respect.
12. I have learned that I can cry when I spill milk, have days that I don't want to get out of bed, and watch movies all day if I want.
13. I have learned that after 1 year, I will have gotten my masters, quit my job and moved, and become a pretty independent person.
This year has gone by fast (even though I didn't believe so at first!) I appreciate you guys sticking with me through the good and the bad. I hope that some day I can blog about finding a guy who fits descriptions above and understands me and cares about me for me. Stay tuned for that day :) Also, thanks to Goofy girl for the personalized banner!